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Deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum with a point-coupling functional. II. Examples of odd Nd isotopes
2023.01.03 |
185 |
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Comprehensive Analysis of the Neutrino Process in Core-collapsing Supernovae
2022.10.27 |
201 |
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Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in Relativistic Mean-field Models with Isoscalar- and Isovector-meson Mixing
2022.10.27 |
194 |
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Coulomb sum rule in the quasielastic region using various nuclear models
2022.10.27 |
189 |
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Coulomb breakup reaction of loosely bound F17 with dynamic polarization potentials
2022.10.27 |
191 |
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Nuclear cosmochronometers for supernova neutrino-process
2022.10.27 |
194 |
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Tensor force effect on pairing correlations for the Gamow–Teller transition in 42Ca, 46Ti and 18O
2022.09.27 |
202 |
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Conceptual Design Report of DaRveX: Decay at Rest + Lead Cross Section Measurement at J-PARC MLF
2022.05.31 |
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Shape coexistence and neutron skin thickness of Pb isotopes by the deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum
2022.04.18 |
324 |