Recent Research
번호 | 제목 | 파일 | 등록일 | 조회수 |
49 | Phase transition of the restricted solid‑on‑solid model via deposition probabilities in higher dimensions | 2023.03.17 | 203 | |
48 | Direct measurement of correlation length in one‑dimensional contact process | 2023.03.17 | 177 | |
47 | New targets for relic antineutrino capture | 2023.03.17 | 202 | |
46 | Mixing Angles in Spin-Flavor Oscillation of Majorana Neutrinos | 2023.03.17 | 172 | |
45 | Yukawa alignment revisited in the Higgs basis | 2023.03.17 | 182 | |
44 | Hybrid improper ferroelectricity in A‑cation ordered perovskite BaSrBi2O6 | 2023.03.17 | 195 | |
43 | First-principles investigation of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in one-dimensional transition metal oxytetrahalides | 2023.03.17 | 161 | |
42 | Geometric shapes and vacancy rates for the modulation of the electronic and transport properties in MoS2 nanoflakes | 2023.03.17 | 172 | |
41 | Search for Z ′ → μ + μ − in the L μ − L τ gauge-symmetric model at Belle | 2023.03.17 | 161 | |
40 | The study of γγ→γψ(2S) at Belle | 2023.03.17 | 195 |