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  • [OMEG JC] 6th OMEG Journal Club

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Dear OMEG members and colleagues,



We are pleased to announce an upcoming Journal Club (JC).
Anyone interested in the subject is welcome to participate.



6th OMEG JC Date :
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
(2022년 4월 20일 수요일)

Due to the 2022 KPS(The Korean Physical Society) Spring Meeting, which starts this Wednesday,
the OMEG Journal Club will be postponed to next Wednesday : 04.20 —–> 04.27 .


Place :
Physics seminar room(320) @ Baird Hall
(물리학과 세미나실(320) @ 베어드홀)



Time :



Title: Beyond the Starobinsky model for inflation



The authors single out the Starobinsky model and its extensions among generic f(R)gravity
as attractors at large field values for chaotic inflation. Treating a R^3 curvature term
as a perturbation of the Starobinsky model, they impose the phenomenological bounds on
the additional term satisfying the successful inflationary predictions. The authors find that
the scalar spectral index can vary in both the red or blue tilted direction, depending on
the sign of the coefficient of the R^3 term, whereas the tensor-to-scalar ratio is less affected
in the Planck-compatible region. They also discuss the role of higher order curvature term
for stability and the reheating dynamics for the unambiguous prediction for the number of e-foldings
up to the R^3 term.



Reference: Phys. Lett. B805 (2020) 135453
Dhong Yeon Cheong, Hyun Min Lee, Seong Chan Park

Presenter: Chae-min Yun

Thank you for your attention.


P.S.   For details or corrections, please send an email to Dr. Jubin Park (honolov@ssu.ac.kr)

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